Master's Selection for the 2nd semester of 2021


The Postgraduate Program in Aquaculture makes public the Selection Notice 03/2021, which informs the criteria for the selection process of candidates for the MASTERS, for admission in the 2nd semester of 2021. Five (05) places will be offered, of which four ( 04) of these with wide competition and one (01) linked to the Graduate Affirmative Actions Program (PROAAf-PG) according to FURG CONSUN Resolution 004/2019. Registration will be open from June 18th to July 25th.

Research lines:
- Production of Vertebrate Aquatic Organisms
- Production of Invertebrate Aquatic Organisms and Primary Producers
- Biotechnology Applied to Aquaculture

Master's Selection Notice (18/06/2021)

18/07/2021: Extension of enrollment and change of schedule

18/07/21:Errata in the number of vacancies

Annex 1: Curriculum Scoring Table (18/06/2021)

Annex 2: Proof of curriculum (18/06/2021)

Annex 3: Instructions for proof of curriculum

Annex 4: Model for Research Project

 26/07/2021: List of approved

28/07/2021: Step 1 Notes 28/07/2021: Interviews

30/07/2021: Project Notes

30/07/2021: Interview Notes

03/08/2021: Final result