The Postgraduate Program in Aquaculture makes public the Selection Notice 01/2022, which informs the criteria for the selection process of candidates for the MASTERS, for admission in the 1st semester of 2022. Seven (07) places will be offered, of which five (05) of these with wide competition and two (02) linked to the Graduate Affirmative Actions Program (PROAAf-PG) according to FURG CONSUN Resolution 004/2019. Registration will be open from October 15th to November 28th.
Research lines:
- Production of Vertebrate Aquatic Organisms
- Production of Invertebrate Aquatic Organisms and Primary Producers
- Biotechnology Applied to Aquaculture
Master's Selection Notice (15/10/2021)
Annex 1: Curriculum Scoring Table (15/10/2021)
Annex 2: Proof of curriculum (04/11/2021)
Annex 3: Instructions for proof of curriculum (15/10/2021)