Growing Shrimps in Nurseries

Growing Shrimps in Nurseries

Responsible: Dr Geraldo Kipper Fóes
Credits: 01 (15 h/a)
Offered: set/out

The course aims to provide knowledge about the techniques of cultivating marine shrimp in ponds, both in traditional systems (semi-intensive systems in excavated ponds) and in intensive systems (high densities in coated ponds). During the course, the following theoretical themes will be addressed: aspects of the biology of peneid shrimp; differentiation of cultivation systems in nurseries; soil and water management in shrimp farming; techniques for preparing the nurseries; transport and acclimatization of post-larvae; population (assessment of acquired post-larvae quality, transfer of juveniles from intermediate systems to nurseries); biosafety in cultivation structures; management of nurseries during fattening; nutrition and food; aeration systems; illnesses; harvesting; economic analysis. In addition to these activities, scientific articles will be selected for presentation in seminars by students and discussion in the classroom.

– ALDAY-SANZ, V. 2010. The Shrimp Book.Nottingham University Press, Nottingham, UK.920 p.
– BARBIERI, RC Jr. & OSTRENSKY, AN. 2001. Camarões Marinhos – Reprodução, Maturação e Larvicultura. Aprenda Fácil Editora, Viçosa, MG, Brasil. 255 p.
– BOYD, CE. 1990. Water Quality in Ponds for Aquaculture. Alabama Agricultural Experiment Station, Auburn University, Alabama.482 p.
– BOYD, CE & TUCKER, CS. 1998. Pond Aquaculture Water Quality Management. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston.700 p.
– DALL, W. 1990. Biology of the penaeidae.Advances in Marine Biology. Academic Press, New York, 489p.
– FAST, AW & LESTER, LJ. 1992. Marine shrimp culture. Principles and practices. Elsevier, New York,  862p.
– LEE, C-S, O'BRYEN, P. 2002. Microbial Approaches to Aquatic Nutrition in Environmentally Sound Aquaculture Production Systems. Edited by C-S LEE and P. O'BRYEN. The World Aquaculture Society, Baton Rouge, Louisiana, USA.
– VALENTI, VC. 1998. Carcinocultura de água doce. Tecnologias para produção de camarões. Instituto Brasileiro do Meio Ambiente e dos Recursos Renováveis, 383 p.

Scientific journals:
- Aquaculture
- Aquaculture Research
- Aquaculture International
- Aquaculture Nutrition
- Aquaculture Reports
- Journal of the World Aquaculture Society

Aquaculture Magazine
Global Aquaculture Advocate
Panorama da Aquicultura
Revista da ABCC