Drª Juliane Ventura Lima

Professor at the Federal University of Rio Grande, graduated in Chemistry degree with a degree in Science from the Federal University of Rio Grande, holds a Master's and Doctorate in Physiological Sciences from the Federal University of Rio Grande having completed a sandwich doctorate period at the Università Politecnica delle Marche, Istituto de Biologia e Genetica, Italy.

Currently, he teaches discipline of Medical Biochemistry in the Medicine and Biochemistry Applied to Nursing course for the Nursing course at FURG. In addition, she works as a professor in the Post-Graduate courses in Physiological Sciences and Aquaculture (both from FURG) and is a Master and Doctoral advisor. He has experience in the area of ​​aquatic toxicology, oxidative stress, chemoprevention, nanotoxicology and toxicology applied to aquaculture.

Laboratory: Laboratory of Immunology and Pathology of Aquatic Organisms
Email: juliane_ventura@yahoo.com.br
Lattes: http://lattes.cnpq.br/2685881081126266


Disciplines taught

Completed supervisions