Ana Luiza Xavier da Silveira Velloso (2004) Therodamas fluviatilis (Ergasilidae) parasite of Paralichthys orbignyanus (Paralichthyidae): systematics, distribution and histopathology
Luciano Jensen Vaz (2004) Nursery and fattening of the pink shrimp Farfantepenaeus paulensis in the Lagoa dos Patos Estuary
Luiz Roberto Louzada Junior (2004) Effect of photoperiod on survival and growth of larvae and juveniles of sole Paralichthys orbignyanus
Marcelo Hideo Okamoto (2004) Effects of temperature on eggs and larvae of Paralichthys orbignyanus sole
Simone Soares Oliveira (2004) Characterization of the assembly of nitrifying bacteria by molecular biology method (Fluorescent In Situ Hybridization - FISH) in the biofilm and water of Farfantepenaeus paulensis cultivation systems
Tatiana Germano Martins Machado (2004) Effect of fatty acids on survival, growth, morphology and stress tolerance of post-larvae of Farfantepenaeus paulensis
Tito Luis Pissetti (2004) Effects of stocking density and artificial substrate on the cultivation of the pink shrimp Farfantepenaeus paulensis in enclosures