Dr Luis Fernando Fernandes Marins

Graduated in OCEANOLOGY from the Federal University of Rio Grande - FURG (1987), master's (1993) and doctorate (2001) in Biological Oceanography (FURG), with internship abroad (University of Southampton, UK).

He is currently an Associate Professor at the Institute of Biological Sciences (ICB) at the Federal University of Rio Grande (FURG), advisor to the Post-Graduate Program in Physiological Sciences - Comparative Animal Physiology (PPGCF-FAC-FURG), advisor to the Post-Graduate Program degree in Aquaculture (PPGAq-FURG), and member of the Internal Biosafety Commission (CIBio-FURG). Develops research in the area of ​​Molecular Biology applied to aquatic organisms. The main topics covered involve studies of gene expression, ecotoxicology, genetic improvement, molecular markers and production of genetically modified cells and fish as experimental models. Linked to the Research Group - Invertebrate Immunology: implications for disease resistance in aquaculture and marine biotechnology.


Laboratory: Molecular Biology Laboratory
Email: dqmluf@furg.br
Lattes: http://lattes.cnpq.br/5407644720819388


Disciplines taught

Completed supervisions