Graduated in Medicine at Universidad Nacional de La Plata (1976), PhD in Medicine - Universidad Nacional de La Plata (1981). Graduation in Philosophy of La Naturaleza -Universidad Fasta- Universidad de Barcelona (2001), Director of Biological Sciences career at- Universidad Hebrea Argentina Bar Ilan (1993-1999).
Expert in pathology of aquatic organisms - Food And Agriculture Organization Of The United Nations (1989-2009). Invited professor of the postgraduate course in aquaculture at the Federal University of Rio Grande (2008- 2010). He is currently an effective professor at the Institute of Oceanography at the Federal University of Rio Grande. Has experience in the area of Immunology, with emphasis on Comparative Immunology, acting mainly on the following themes: pathology and immunology of aquatic organisms, cultivation and mollusc sanitary control.
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Laboratory: Laboratory of Immunology and Pathology of Aquatic Organisms Email: Lattes: |
Disciplines taught
- Pathology of Aquatic Organisms - Part I/Fish (21082P)
- Pathology of Aquatic Organisms - Part II/Crustaceans and Mollusks (11092P)
Completed supervisions
Andreline Jordana Coelho de Mendonça (2017) Gracilaria domingensis as an immunostimulant for juvenile mullets Mugil liza (Valenciennes, 1836)
Daniela Lemes da Costa (2017) Morphophysiological differences in the gastrointestinal tract of Mugil liza mullets from rearing and the environment
Marta da Costa Klosterhoff (2017) Diagnoses of non-infectious diseases in Rachycentron canadum and Paralichthys orbignyanus bred in captivity
Andreline Jordana Coelho de Mendonça (2017) Gracilaria domingensis as an immunostimulant for juvenile mullets Mugil liza (Valenciennes, 1836)
Maria Angelica dos Reis Garrido Perreira (2015) Hematology of Cobia Rachycentron canadum, Atlantic Spadefish Chaetodipterus faber, Florida Pompano Trachinotus carolinus, Plata Pompano Trachinotus marginatus and Sole Paralichthys orbignyanus
Yuri Bovi Morais Carvalho (2015) Pathologies affecting the Yellow Clam Mesodesma mactroides (Bivalvia: Mesodesmatidae)
Maria Angelica dos Reis Garrido Perreira (2015) Hematology of Cobia Rachycentron canadum, Atlantic Spadefish Chaetodipterus faber, Florida Pompano Trachinotus carolinus, Plata Pompano Trachinotus marginatus and Sole Paralichthys orbignyanus
Bruna Ferraz Corrêa (2014) Use of enalapril maleate on swimming behavior and during osmotic shock in juveniles of the grouper Epinephelus marginatus Lowe, 1834 (Teleostei: Serranidae)
Emeline Pereira Gusmão (2014) Morphological description of blood, ontogeny of lymphoid organs and analysis of the expression of genes related to the immune system of the sole Paralichthys orbignyanus
Juan Jethro Silva Santos (2014) Immunological profile of white shellfish Mesodesma mactroides (Mesodesmadidae) from the south coast of Rio Grande do Sul
Bruna Ferraz Corrêa (2014) Use of enalapril maleate on swimming behavior and during osmotic shock in juveniles of the grouper Epinephelus marginatus Lowe, 1834 (Teleostei: Serranidae)
Adriana Patrícia Salgado Otero (2012) Ontogeny of thyroid follicles in Cobia (Rachycentrum canadum)
Fabiane Führ (2012) Toxicity and antiparasitic efficacy of Mebendazole in juveniles of Mugil liza mullet
Marcelo Roberto Pereira Shei (2012) Effect of the enrichment of n-3 HUFA in the larvae and breeders of the barber goby Elacatinus figaro
Marta da Costa Klosterhoff (2012) Ontogenic development of the kidney, thymus and spleen and phenotypic expression of CD3 and CD4 receptors in lymphocytes from the Cobia Rachycentron canadum
Tamyris Ramos dos Santos (2012) Histological changes in Mugil liza mullet gills exposed to formalin therapeutic baths
Adriana Patrícia Salgado Otero (2012) Ontogeny of thyroid follicles in Cobia (Rachycentrum canadum)