Dr Luis Alberto Romano

Graduated in Medicine at Universidad Nacional de La Plata (1976), PhD in Medicine - Universidad Nacional de La Plata (1981). Graduation in Philosophy of La Naturaleza -Universidad Fasta- Universidad de Barcelona (2001), Director of Biological Sciences career at- Universidad Hebrea Argentina Bar Ilan (1993-1999).

Expert in pathology of aquatic organisms - Food And Agriculture Organization Of The United Nations (1989-2009). Invited professor of the postgraduate course in aquaculture at the Federal University of Rio Grande (2008- 2010). He is currently an effective professor at the Institute of Oceanography at the Federal University of Rio Grande. Has experience in the area of ​​Immunology, with emphasis on Comparative Immunology, acting mainly on the following themes: pathology and immunology of aquatic organisms, cultivation and mollusc sanitary control.


Laboratory: Laboratory of Immunology and Pathology of Aquatic Organisms
Email: dcluis@yahoo.com
Lattes: http://lattes.cnpq.br/2964648987132678


Disciplines taught

Completed supervisions