Adriana Patrícia Salgado Otero (2012) Ontogeny of thyroid follicles in Cobia (Rachycentrum canadum)
Ana Paula Klein (2012) Evaluation of the environmental impact resulting from the cultivation of Rachycentron canadum in net tanks installed on the northeast coast of Brazil
Artur Nishioka Rombenso (2012) Feed management of juvenile Atlantic spadefish (Chaetodipterus faber)
Fabiane Führ (2012) Toxicity and antiparasitic efficacy of Mebendazole in juveniles of Mugil liza mullet
Gabriel Bernardes Martins (2012) Osmoregulatory mechanisms in juveniles of Paralichthys orbignyanus sole submitted to hyposmotic shock
Gabriele Rodrigues de Lara (2012) Management techniques applied to the reduction of nitrite concentrations in the water of cultivation of Litopenaeus vannamei in a biofloc system
Marcos de Souza de Almeida (2012) Effect of total suspended solids on water quality and zootechnical performance of Litopenaeus vannamei shrimp in BFT system
Marta da Costa Klosterhoff (2012) Ontogenic development of the kidney, thymus and spleen and phenotypic expression of CD3 and CD4 receptors in lymphocytes from the Cobia Rachycentron canadum
Paula Martins Beck (2012) Effect of water alkalinity on the tolerance of juvenile pompano Trachinotus marginatus to the hypoosmotic environment
Rafael Almeida Porciuncula (2012) Physical, chemical and microbiological quality of white shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei grown in BFT and conventional systems
Tamyris Ramos dos Santos (2012) Histological changes in Mugil liza mullet gills exposed to formalin therapeutic baths
Vivianne da Silva Fonseca (2012) Reproductive conditioning of matrinxã Brycon amazonicus (Spix & Agassiz, 1829) submitted to prolonged fasting