• Marine Aquaculture Station "Prof. Marcos Marchiori"

    Marine Aquaculture Station "Prof. Marcos Marchiori"

    Responsible:  Dr Wilson Francisco Britto Wasielesky Junior

    Saltwater Catchment System : The capture of the saltwater from Praia do Cassino is done with an electric pump of 7.5 HP through a PVC pipe. There is also an emergency system that consists of a pump powered by diesel oil, which can be installed directly on the beach.

    Saltwater Storage System : This system consists of three sets of reservoirs: a) reservoir for raw water with a capacity of 140 thousand liters; b) reservoir for filtered water with a capacity of 80 thousand liters; c) suspended reservoir to supply the laboratory with water filtered by gravity with a total capacity of 21 thousand liters.

    Water Filtration System : When leaving the raw water reservoir, the water passes through a rapid sand filter system. Subsequently, each laboratory has its own filtration system, depending on its needs. These systems are composed of cartridge filters with porosity of 5, 1 and 0.45 micrometers.

    Water Aeration System : The laboratory water is aerated by means of air blowers, installed in series of three blowers. There are two blowers in constant operation and two reserve blowers.

    Emergency Electricity Supply System : Recently, an electric power generator powered by diesel oil, with a capacity of 55 KVA, allows the operation of all EMA laboratories.

  • Laboratory of Immunology and Pathology of Aquatic Organisms

    Laboratory of Immunology and Pathology of Aquatic Organisms

    Responsible: Dr Luis Alberto Romano
    Post-doc: Drª Virgínia Pedrosa 

    Laboratory Objective

    Diseases in aquatic organisms, caused by viruses, bacteria, protozoa and parasites, in addition to those caused by nutritional deficiencies or stress, are a constant problem in aquaculture. These cause economic losses, mainly in intensive farming systems, around the world. The Laboratory of Immunology and Pathology of Aquatic Organisms (LIPOA) is linked to the Institute of Oceanography of the Federal University of Rio Grande (FURG). LIPOA aims to promote and disseminate, in all aspects, the knowledge about diseases and the immune response of these animals to pathogens, directly or indirectly associated with aquatic organisms. Inserted in the context of FURG, an institution committed to the coastal ecosystem,LIPOA extends training and research in the field of pathology and immunology of aquatic organisms to undergraduate and graduate students, from this and other institutions, developing scientific and academic activities in collaboration with other sectors of FURG itself (Institute of Biological Sciences, Marine Aquaculture Station, PPG in Aquaculture, PPG in Biological Oceanography, among others) In addition to scientific production, the laboratory operates by advising and passing on information to other sectors of the community, whether academic or not. LIPOA is part of and operates at the Center for Biotechnology and Diseases (CBD).PPG in Aquaculture, PPG in Biological Oceanography, among others) In addition to scientific production, the laboratory operates by advising and passing on information to other sectors of the community, whether academic or not. LIPOA is part of and operates at the Center for Biotechnology and Diseases (CBD).PPG in Aquaculture, PPG in Biological Oceanography, among others) In addition to scientific production, the laboratory operates by advising and passing on information to other sectors of the community, whether academic or not. LIPOA is part of and operates at the Center for Biotechnology and Diseases (CBD).

    Figure 1: (A) Classical histology, (B) Special staining techniques for identifying tissue elements, (C) Cytohematology and (D) Immunohistochemistry.
    Figure 2: (A) Automatic processing of tissue samples, (B) Immunohistochemistry, (C) Electron microscopy and (D) Image analysis and morphometry.
  • Continental Aquaculture Laboratory

    Continental Aquaculture Laboratory

    Responsible: Dr Luciano de Oliveira Garcia
    Telephone: (53) 3237-3003 ou 3237-3004
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LACFURG/
    GoogleMaps: https://goo.gl/maps/mHBSocoavR5a5MPj9


    1. Purpose of the Laboratory

    The Laboratory aims to cover continental aquaculture working mainly with native Brazilian species. In addition, it aims to improve cultivation techniques, taking into account the parameters of water quality, blood biochemistry and enzyme and zootechnical performance. It also aims at training personnel at the undergraduate, master's and doctoral levels. Currently the target species for study in the laboratory is pacu Piaractus mesopotamicus .

    1.1. Areas related to LAC training

    - Biological Sciences
    - Animal Science
    -Agricultural Sciences
    - Fisheries Engineering
    - Technologist in Aquaculture
    - Oceanography
    - Veterinary Medicine
    - Related areas

    2. Laboratory characteristics 2.1 Facilities:

    The Continental Aquaculture Laboratory (LAC), presents a building with 3 rooms for experimentation with fish (vertebrates). The laboratory is linked to the Postgraduate Program in Aquaculture, from the Oceanography Institute of the Federal University of Rio Grande (FURG).

    The LAC presents 3 rooms for animal experimentation in works developed by the laboratory. It also has the following facilities: 1 room for analysis of water quality parameters, 1 room with equipment for carrying out different analysis and collection procedures; 1 room with freezer for storing residues (animal carcass) from the experiments, in addition to other residues generated during the experiment (needles, syringes, gloves, blades, among others).

    2.2 Description of the LAC infrastructure

    Room 01 (Experimentation Room): features 5 water recirculation systems, that is, 15 water tanks of 310 L, each equipped with a biological and mechanical filter, air conditioning, aeration system, lighting controller timmer, supply of fresh water.

    Room 02 (Experimentation Room): presents 9 water recirculation systems, that is 27 water tanks of 100 L, each equipped with biological and mechanical filter, air conditioning, aeration system, lighting controllers timmer, supply of fresh water.

    Room 03 (Quarantine and / or Experimentation Room):  features 4 water recirculation systems, that is 12 water tanks of 310 L, each equipped with a biological and mechanical filter, air conditioning, aeration system, timer controllers lighting, fresh water supply.

    Other equipment such as automatic pH controller, automatic water coolers (chillers), heaters, luminous intensity controllers (dimmers), which are used according to the type of experimentation in the different experimental rooms.

    Room 4 (Collection room): has chairs, tables, counter with sink, concrete bench to accommodate precision analytical balance, semi-analytical balance, vortex solution shaker, bench centrifuge, refrigerated bench centrifuge, microhematocrit centrifuge, liquid nitrogen storage cylinder, magnifying glass, greenhouse, vacuum pump, aeration system, air conditioning, fresh water supply, heating plate with heating, water bath, UV-visible spectrophotometer, cabinet, portable oximeter, bench and portable pH meter , portable refractometer, glucose meter, glassware and reagents.

    Room 5 (Room for water quality analysis and general analysis): with refrigerator, cabinets, chairs, concrete benches with sink, counter, microcomputers, spectrophotometer, water distiller, own distilled water storage drum, various pipettes, agitator magnetic, burette holder, freezer, various materials (tips, microtubes, reading plates, cassettes, cuvettes ...).

    Room 6 (waste storage): features an air conditioner, a vertical and a horizontal freezer, a refrigerator, overhead cabinets, cupboard and a concrete bench with sink.

    Room 7 (glassware, washing and drying room for materials): it has 2 cabinets that serve to store different types of glassware, 2 balconies that serve to store different types of materials, a concrete bench with sink, a greenhouse.

    In addition, the laboratory has a complete structure to receive students  interns from other institutions or even from FURG.

  • Food Technology Laboratory

    Food Technology Laboratory

    Responsible: Dr Carlos Prentice Hernández

    Detailing of the physical infrastructure: The sector is related to the development of processes for obtaining value-added products from fish of low commercial value and uses the support of the Research Program in Processing of Marine Products, in the facilities and infrastructure. structure of the Food Technology laboratories and the Fish Processing Unit, which add up to an area of ​​± 200 m 2 , located on the Campus City of FURG, dedicated to teaching, research, development and innovation.

    Food Technology Laboratory (LTA): It is the central execution laboratory and provides the following equipment for use in the program: A glass reactor with real capacity for 1 L with automatic control and built-in ultra-thermostatic bath, two glass reactors with a 1 L jacket, a reactor glass with a 2 L jacket, a stainless steel reactor with a 5 L jacket, a spectrophotometer for UV / V use, a texture analyzer, a colorimeter, a bench freeze dryer, an ultrafreezer, a refrigerated shaker / shaker, a bench-top centrifuge, two vacuum pumps, two propeller shaft agitators, a rotary evaporator, an automatic protein digester, an automatic protein distiller, an automatic fat extractor, a 510 L horizontal freezer, a 250 vertical upright freezer L, a 340 L refrigerator, an analytical balance, two semi-analytical scales,two stainless steel tanks, among others.

    Fish Processing Unit (UPP): UPP has the following equipment as a pilot plant for processing meat and fish in general: a meat and bone separator, two semi-industrial meat grinders, a semi-industrial cold refiner-extruder, two mixers industrial units of 2 and 10 L, a 25K hydroextractor, a 10 kg cutter, a manual press, a vacuum sealer using gases, an industrial air compressor, a bench oven with circulating air circulation, a refrigerated centrifuge floor, a mini extruder for polymers, two horizontal fillers of 0.5 and 10 L, two stainless steel work tables, two stainless steel washing tanks, a scale ice maker with a 70 kg tank , a semi-industrial oven, a dough divider, a freezing cabinet and a semi-industrial refrigerator.

  • Estuarine and Marine Fish Farming Laboratory

    Estuarine and Marine Fish Farming Laboratory

    Responsible: Dr Luís André Nassr de Sampaio

    Maturation: It consists of eight tanks of 2.5 thousand liters, distributed in two rooms equipped with air conditioning. The tanks can be operated in a continuous water flow or recirculation system. These also have individual temperature control.

    Incubation: 20 50-liter cylinder-conical incubators are available.

    Larviculture and juvenile production: there are six tanks of 1,500 liters, eight tanks of 1,000 liters and 15 tanks of 300 L. Like maturation tanks, they can operate with continuous flow or with water recirculation and also have control individual temperature.

    Bioassays: The fish farming sector has three laboratories equipped for experiments with small tanks. The first laboratory has four germinating greenhouses with temperature control and photoperiod, the second laboratory has four water recirculation systems with four 50-liter tanks in each. The third laboratory has two thermostatic baths with 10 tanks of 15 liters each.

    The marine fish farming sector also has two water recirculation systems with 12 aquariums of 100 L for carrying out experiments with ornamental marine fish.

  • Laboratory of Phytoplankton and Marine Microorganisms

    Laboratory of Phytoplankton and Marine Microorganisms

    Responsible: Dr Paulo Cesar Oliveira Vergne de Abreu

    The laboratory has infrastructure for the development of various analyzes necessary for the study of microalgae.

    Humid laboratory, place for the first processing of samples after collection in the field. It has basic equipment with refrigerators, freezers, sample filtration instrument, water distiller, water bath, ultrasound, pH meters and thermosalinometers.

    Microscopy room, with temperature and humidity control, inverted optical microscopes (Nikon and Axiovert Zeiss) one of which is equipped with epifluorescence, and transmitted light (Axioplan Zeiss) equipped with epifluorescence. Digital and analog cameras coupled to microscopes and computers allow the capture of images through the use of specific programs. In this room there are also bibliographic references on taxonomy of protists (subscription to 3 periodicals, books and reprints).

    Microalgae Cultivation Room, equipped with microalgae incubation chambers with controlled temperature and photoperiod, autoclaves, greenhouses, laminar flow hood, centrifuge, ultra-centrifuge and liquid nitrogen containers. The microalgae collection includes strains collected in the Lagoa dos Patos estuary and adjacent coastal region.

    Instrument Room, equipped for carrying out various analyzes, such as precision scales, oximeters, UV and visible light spectrophotometer, fluorimeters and instrument for liquid chromatography analysis.

  • Halophyte Biotechnology Laboratory

    Halophyte Biotechnology Laboratory

    Responsible: Dr César Serra Bonifácio Costa

    Halophytes Research and Germplasm Unit (UNIHALO), located at Campus Carreiros - FURG, Rio Grande (RS). Non-climatized greenhouse with 86.40 m2 to preserve genetic diversity of native halophytes and controlled propagation tests. Cultivation pools and benches for micro- and mesocosm experiments. It also has a 12,20 m X 2,15 m metallic laboratory container, halophyte seed bank and incubators for seed germination for seedling production. Associated with the FURG Subtropical Biodiversity Center.

    Halophyte Seedling Production Unit (PROHALO), located at the Oceanographic Museum “Prof. Eliézer de Carvalho Rios ”from FURG, Rio Grande (RS). Non-air-conditioned greenhouse with 86.40 m 2 of halophyte plants for environmental restoration and phytoremediation projects. It also has an area of ​​public visitation with educational panels, with the function of public awareness of the importance of the everglades for quality of life in the coastal zone and dissemination of the activities of the everglades restoration project.

    Halophytes Agriculture Unit (AGRIHALO), located at the Marine Aquaculture Station (EMA-FURG) at Cassino beach, Rio Grande (RS). Hydroponic beds and tanks for production tests of native halophytes, irrigated with sea water and / or effluents from marine aquaculture.

    Figure 1: Halophyte Agriculture Unit.

  • Molecular Biology Laboratory

    Molecular Biology Laboratory

    Responsible: Dr Luis Fernando Fernandes Marins

    Biosafety Certificate: The Molecular Biology Laboratory has a biosafety certificate, which certifies you to carry out genetic and transgenic experiments.

    Equipment: Laminar flow, Thermal recycler Thermocycler for PCR, Real-time PCR, Photo-documentation system, Motorized injector (Model IM-30? Narishige, Japan), Puller micro-electrode (Model PC-10, Narichige, Japan ), Epifluorescence Microscope (Model EK2000, EIKONAL), Refrigerators, Freezer, Mechanical analytical scales, Precision balance, Sterilization oven, Water distiller, Resin column water deionizer, Analog electronic millivoltmeters, Digital millivoltmeter, Laboratory type centrifuges clinical, Greenhouses (heating up to 250 ° C), Vacuum pumps, Centrifuges, Refrigerated centrifuge, Water baths, pH meters, Equipment for protein electrophoresis and nucleic acid sequencing, Magnetic stirrers with controlled heating, Tissue homogenizer,Test tube shaker, Stopwatches, Autoclave, Immersion thermostat, Air conditioners.

    Cultivation room: Closed circuit cultivation system consisting of 12 tanks with a capacity of 30 L of water, with controlled temperature and photoperiod. Set of aquariums with a capacity of 60 L, for maintaining strains

  • Laboratories

    Laboratories that make up the PPGAq

    FURG's PPGAq is located at the Marine Aquaculture Station "Prof. Marcos Marchiori" (EMA). EMA is located on Cassino beach, 15 km from FURG's main campus. In its 2,800 m² of built area, it has the following laboratories:

    1. Laboratory of Carcinoculture
    2. Estuarine and Marine Fish Farming Laboratory  
    3. Laboratory of Nutrition of Aquatic Organisms
    4. Laboratory of Immunology and Pathology of Aquatic Organisms
    5. Laboratory of Mollusc Creation
    6. Laboratory for Assessment of Impacts of Aquiculture
    7. Halophyte Biotechnology Laboratory
    8. Functional Biochemistry Laboratory of Aquatic Organisms
    9. Microalgae Production Laboratory
    10. Laboratory of Microorganism Ecology Applied to Aquaculture


    On another property, far from the main campus of FURG, is the Continental Aquaculture Laboratory (LAC) , on the bank of the Laguna dos Patos estuary. The LAC has 8 excavated ponds for the creation of estuarine, marine or freshwater organisms and a complete structure for carrying out experiments with fish in the water recirculation system.

    In the Campus Carreiros of FURG are the other laboratories that also participate directly in the PPGAq. Are they:

    11. Functional Morphology Laboratory
    12. Laboratory of Phytoplankton and Marine Microorganisms
    13. Molecular Biology Laboratory
    14. Comparative Zoophysiology Laboratory
    15. Food Technology Laboratory 


    The FURG Aquaculture Graduate Program is also supported by the oceanographic fleet, with 4 small boats (3 to 5 people), 1 medium size boat (10 people) and 2 large oceanographic research vessels. The bibliographic collection available at the Oceanographic Sectorial Library, Information and Documentation Center (NID-Central Library) of FURG and the Information Technology Center (NTI-FURG) for the development of its activities is also shared.